
Join CJOS and experience growing orchids like never before. Our knowledge and passion make orchid collecting both fun and educational! We believe being a part of a society that promotes conservation and responsible orchid collecting, benefits both people and most importantly Mother Earth.

Show Your Support
Membership (Yearly): CJOS Yearly Membership runs from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025
Cost: Single Membership $30 Cash/Check ($31.17 PayPal +fees); Family Membership $35 Cash/Check ($36.32 PayPal+fees)
Location: Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St., Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Benefits: The Central Jersey Orchid Society (CJOS) welcomes everyone who has an interest in orchids. We share information on orchid growing, feature monthly speakers, and an exciting monthly show table. Our members range from novices to professional growers with one aim - to share their enjoyment of orchids. Monthly meetings regularly feature slide presentations on orchid culture and an orchid raffle. Each monthly meeting also features a spectacular Show Table - members are encouraged to bring in their blooming plants for display.
Our special activities include an Orchid Auction, Orchid raffles, and our annual potting party. Each year CJOS members are also invited to participate in our Annual Spring Picnic and Annual December Holiday Party.
We meet on the third Thursday of the month (except July & August) at 7 p.m.. *Please note that June is our Annual CJOS Summer Picnic, so there is no regular meeting on that third Thursday of the month in June (*Picnic Date - TBD). Come to a meeting to learn and enjoy. Visitors are always welcome!
*Check/Cash Payments: Please make check payable to CJOS (Cash payments can be made in person at the meeting!)
You may pay by October 17, 2024, at the CJOS meeting (remit payment to Treasurer) or by Mailing Membership Form (download below) and Check to:
Matthew Pagano
*PayPal Payments: | *Email Info:

Make A True Change
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making - Central Jersey Orchid Society - an even better organization than it already is. We welcome both financial and supply (plants, equipment, books, etc...) type donations. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
*Questions - Contact Anne Skalka (CJOS President):
*Check Payments: Please make check payable to CJOS
Mail Check to:
Michelle Thomas
105 Mount Grove Rd.
Califon, NJ 07930