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CJOS May 2020 Newsletter

Updated: Dec 23, 2020

Hi Everyone,

We hope everyone is staying safe during this continued COVID-19 Pandemic! By now, I am sure most of you are going stir-crazy staying at home. While these current times can be very trying and certainly push our patience to the edge, there is some good that we can all focus on. The CJOS President (David Rosenfeld) stated via email (04-26-2020), that while the likelihood of a May or June meeting seems unlikely, we do pay a yearly stipend to the D&R Greenway. If the D&R Greenway should reopen during the summer, CJOS may consider having a meeting during one of the summer months (prior to our normally scheduled September meeting). This has yet to be determined. Please check the website and your email regularly for continued updates!

*** The CJOS President (David Rosenfeld) stated via email (05-26-2020), that we will have a virtual Zoom 'Get Together' meeting (at the same time as our usual CJOS meeting). It will be held on Wednesday, June 3rd at 7 pm. Details to follow via email to all CJOS members. ***

First and foremost, let's treat each other with kindness and be there for family and friends to the best of our ability (while still maintaining social distancing, as deemed necessary). Secondly, please stay home except for essential jobs and acquiring food/water as necessary. And finally, enjoy some time with your orchids! Now is a perfect time to clean your growing areas (greenhouse, indoor shelves, etc...). It is also a perfect time to go through your plants and inspect them for pests, rearrange plant locations (based on current growth), and to repot those long overdue plants with souring media! :-)

Spring is finally here and if you look closely, I am sure you will see plenty of new growth on plants that were dormant or perhaps even appeared to be completely dead! Spring is a time for regeneration, so make the best out of the warmer weather and sunshine heading our way!

Please keep in mind that the D&R Greenway has decided to cancel all public events - until further notice! There will not be any CJOS Meetings until we are able to meet safely. Stay Safe!

[ *Please be aware that due to COVID-19, it is entirely possible that the D&R Greenway may extend closures indefinitely! We will wait to see how affected events continue to unfold over the next couple of weeks. Please check the CJOS website for continued updates! ]

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