Hello Everyone,
Happy April Everyone! Here is Ed's April 2021 CJOS Newsletter.
We hope everyone is staying safe during this continued COVID-19 Pandemic! CJOS will continue to hold virtual Zoom meetings on a monthly basis (until further notice)! No on-site meetings have been decided as of April 2021. [May 2021 meeting details]. As soon as meeting/event information becomes available, Zoom meetings will be announced via email to CJOS members and posted on the CJOS website. Please check the website and your email regularly for continued updates!

*Carrie Buchman [ May 2021 Speaker: Restrepias - Care and Culture ]
Bio: Carrie Buchman been growing orchids for almost 40 years. She currently has over 300 orchids spanning the alphabet from Aerangis to Zygopetalum in a converted sunroom, which is somewhere between a windowsill and a greenhouse, attached to her house. Her orchids have won ribbons in many shows including the prestigious Philadelphia Flower Show; and she has earned flower, cultural and botanical awards from the American Orchid Society.
Carrie is the president-emeritus and Show Chair for the North Jersey Orchid Society, Co-chair of Orchids at the Philadelphia Flower Show, and an Associate judge with the American Orchid Society’s Northeast Judging Center.
Carrie is a native Pennsylvanian who grew up near Media and still has relatives in the Philadelphia area. She lives in Wyckoff, New Jersey with her husband, Tim, where proximity to New York City provides ample opportunity to enjoy the theater and fine dining.
Carrie was graduated from Smith College with a double major in Physics and Math. She went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Much of her career was as a Software Quality Engineer in military, commercial, and space aviation and, in the early days, anti-submarine warfare. She then moved to manage Quality Systems for Johnson & Johnson, from which she retired in 2012.
She is a frequent and popular speaker at Orchid Societies and Garden Clubs.
*** Thoughtful Pandemic Advice ***
First and foremost, let's treat each other with kindness and be there for family and friends to the best of our ability (while still maintaining social distancing, as deemed necessary). Secondly, please stay home when possible except for essential jobs and acquiring food/water as necessary. If you need to go outside, please do so with proper social distancing measures in place. Go for a walk in the park or go visit the mountains (away from crowds). And finally, enjoy some time with your orchids! Now is a perfect time to clean your growing areas (greenhouse, indoor shelves, etc...). It is also a perfect time to go through your plants and inspect them for pests, rearrange plant locations (based on current growth), and to repot those long overdue plants with souring media! :-)

There will not be any CJOS Meetings until we are able to meet safely. Stay Safe!
[ *Please be aware that due to COVID-19, it is entirely possible that the D&R Greenway may incur sporadic closures (indefinitely)! We will wait to see how affected events continue to unfold over the next couple of months. Please check the CJOS website for continued updates! ]