Hi Everyone,
Happy New Year 2022 everyone! Here is Ed's January 2022 CJOS Newsletter.
We hope everyone had a nice holiday season and start to the new year! We are now in the full throes of winter with snow and cold weather upon us. It won't be long now before signs of spring start to appear with the birds migrating back north, early spring flowers, and getting back to outdoor activities.
Sadly, we have received news that the (DCOS) Deep Cut Orchid Society show at Dearborn Market (February 2022) has been canceled due to COVID restrictions. As of now, the (SEPOS) Southeastern Pennsylvania Orchid Society show (April 2022) is still scheduled to take place, but this could change if COVID cases do not subside. Updates to follow.
Due to a current COVID case increase and the flu being so widespread, the February 2022 CJOS Meeting will be a Zoom Meeting only!
*February 2022 CJOS Meeting Scheduled Speaker: Kristen Uthus - 'Australian Dendrobiums'
Bio: Kristen is the owner of 'New World Orchids' (Manchester, MI). She has years of orchid growing experience and knowledge. She is always happy to answer questions and enjoys engaging with the orchid community!
Sadly, as most of you have now been informed, the decision was made to postpone the orchid auction. Due to unforeseen events and busy day-to-day lives, we were unable to meet the original November 2021 deadline for the event. We have not officially decided on a new makeup date, but we will inform all CJOS members when this has been determined.
As of October 2021, CJOS will now hold In-Person and virtual Zoom meetings on a monthly basis! This decision was voted on and decided by the majority of good-standing CJOS members and the CJOS Board. We respect those that may not feel comfortable meeting in person at this time; hence the dual virtual meeting option. Please check the website and your email regularly for continued CJOS updates and Zoom links! We hope everyone is staying safe during this continued COVID-19 Pandemic!