Happy June Everyone,
Welcome to the CJOS June 2023 monthly blog post! I'm sure June will continue to be a busy month for most people - as it involves family events (birthdays, graduations, etc...), outdoor gardening, and home projects. It is now warm enough to grow most orchids outside (with nighttime lows above 55F°). Be sure to keep them protected from the hot scorching🔥sun☀️️and to keep them well watered💧during warm days with low humidity. Happy orchid growing and gardening!

Just a friendly reminder about the upcoming CJOS picnic on June 11th. If you have not RSVP'd to the event, please do so via the invite sent by email. There is also a link to sign-up for the potluck dish of your choice (no duplicates please). This should be a fun time for everyone to reflect on accomplishments and enjoy some friendly time with other CJOS members.
🌸 Happy Spring 🌸
*Friendly Reminders:
Upcoming Event (June 11, 2023): CJOS Annual Potluck Picnic
If you are bringing a plant for the display table, you may now prepare and print your Plant ID tag via this 'Plant ID Cards Link'.
*Please take note there are a few new changes this year. For starters, our new meeting venue will be Trinity Church (33 Mercer St., Princeton, NJ 08540, (USA)). The meeting time has also changed from 6:30pm to 7pm. All are welcome to attend a meeting; especially if it is your first time and introduction to CJOS. Grab a member and ask lots of questions about what CJOS is and how to join!